vrijdag 21 oktober 2011

Mystery Brug

This Will be the last bloom of season 2011.
It's on a seedling of whom i lost the tag, a Mystery Brug.

donderdag 13 oktober 2011

Butterfly x Pink Velvet

First bloom on a 1 year old seedling.


My first attempts on cross pollination are a success, several pods did stick and i will have seed of my own unique crossings.
axel rose x madame bouvarie

(windsong x peanut) x lbg
(windsong x peanut) x madame bouvarie

yelloduc x lbg

 yelloduc x madame bouvarie
yelloduc x pink perfection
yelloduc x axel rose
yelloduc x (windsong x peanut)
My YelloDUC seedling (single dark rosetta cross) takes pollen as the best every single one of them stuck to it like glue.
certainly a keeper and future mom of my baby brugs. 

Rosa Lila x Sang x Oro verde #2

Bloom on a cross made by Mike Petit member of B.G.I.
Different color than the previous bloom on an other seedling of the same cross.

Pollen collection and storage video.

How To Reproduce Brugmansia Via Air Layering